7 Ways IV Infusion Therapy Can Enhance Athletic Performance

Hydration plays a critical role in an athlete’s recovery. IV infusion therapy rapidly replenishes vital fluids lost through perspiration during exercise or vigorous physical activity.  This form of IV therapy in San Diego restores electrolytes and essential vitamins and nutrients that fuel your body and aid in its healing.

This powerful treatment directly delivers what your body needs into your bloodstream to mobilize repairs and increase athletic performance. IV infusion therapy provides several benefits that enable an athlete to maintain peak health and fitness levels while experiencing less downtime between workouts and competing.


IV Infusion Therapy: Customized with Your Needs and Goals in Mind

Determining what type of IV therapy is right for you is important. Part of what makes IV infusion therapy so effective at enhancing athletic performance is that this treatment is fully customizable. Formulations are based on the individual’s needs, determined through a health evaluation that includes medical history, lifestyle, and health goals, before treatment. Once a customized formulation has been identified, and treatment begins, here are seven ways this powerful therapy can enhance your athletic performance:

  1. Experience faster muscle recovery, reduced aches, and less soreness after a workout through enhanced cellular repair.
  2. Experience increased energy levels and reduced fatigue from replenished vitamin C, magnesium, and calcium levels.
  3. Improved endurance levels enable you to perform better, faster, and for more extended periods.
  4. Enhanced cellular repair aids in rapid recovery and reduces inflammation to get you back to performing at optimal levels, faster.
  5. 100% absorption through an intravenous delivery method avoids digestion. This means your body’s cells have complete and immediate access to hydration, vitamins, nutrients, and electrolytes essential to control nerve impulses, balance blood chemistry, and regulate muscles like the heart.
  6. B-complex vitamins boost the metabolism, catalyze fat burning, facilitate energy production, and support cardiovascular health.
  7. This treatment reduces oxidative stress in the body by replenishing antioxidant levels via glutathione and vitamin C to expel free radicals so that you can maintain peak performance.

Keep in mind that in order for you to feel the full effects of IV infusion therapy, you should schedule regular IV therapy appointments.  




IV Infusion Therapy Enables Rapid Recovery and Improved Performance

IV therapy for athletes is created to boost your athletic level and recovery by targeting your energy levels and metabolism with a specific combination of essential electrolytes, minerals, vitamins, and fluids. Delivered directly into your bloodstream via a sterile solution, these ingredients combine the most essential nutrients to repair damaged nerves and tissues while supporting nerve and muscle function.

B-complex vitamins play a vital role in this powerful therapy to support cardiovascular health, metabolic support, energy production, and much more. The antioxidant vitamin C supports circulatory function, bone health, muscle growth, wound healing, and cellular repair and removes free radicals from the body.


Schedule Your Appointment for IV Infusion Therapy Today

IV infusion therapy treatments offer a comprehensive method of providing everything an athlete needs for a fast recovery and restoring the body’s depleted vitamins and nutrients post-workout. The treatment’s delivery and effect on the body enhance athletic performance while supporting overall health and wellness. By allowing your body to rehydrate much faster, the recovery process is mobilized immediately and encourages cellular repair on every level.

IV therapy helps cyclists, runners, and other athletes perform better for extended periods, giving them an advantage over competitors. Consult with a Naturopathic doctor today to learn which formulation will work best for you to enhance your workout, energize your body from within, and promote its quick recovery. Treat your body to advanced and rapid rejuvenation after a workout and experience the many benefits of IV therapy that target athletic performance. Get in touch with us today to book your appointment


Testimonial from Patricia, Satisfied IV Infusion Therapy Patient
I see Dr. Sweetan and Dr. Steinke for vitamin injections on a regular basis. They are very Gracious, Polite, Pleasant, Good Listeners and Truly Interested in providing the best care on an individual basis. I know they both had well established, successful careers in their field before starting NaturopathicRx, and it is their Passion for what they do and for making a difference in the way people care for themselves that inspires them. I feel very fortunate to have them nearby and 100% recommend stopping by to see what they can do for you.