7 Ways IV Infusion Therapy Can Enhance Athletic Performance

Hydration plays a critical role in an athlete’s recovery. IV infusion therapy rapidly replenishes vital fluids lost through perspiration during exercise or vigorous physical activity.  This form of IV therapy in San Diego restores electrolytes and essential vitamins and nutrients that fuel your body and aid in its healing. This powerful treatment directly delivers what […]

How to Determine Which Type of IV Therapy is Best for You

Naturopathic RX IV therapy in San Diego offers customized treatment options designed to supply nutrients to your body directly through an intravenous drip method, bypassing the digestive process to ensure the highest level of absorption by the body’s cells via your bloodstream. This remarkable therapy can be highly personalized to give your body exactly what […]

How Often Should I Come in for a Nutrient IV?

  Hi, I’m Dr. Ginger Sweetan, Naturopathic Doctor in San Diego at Naturopathic Rx. So how often should you come in for a nutrient IV? Well, that depends on you what your intention is and what your health situation is like. So while we have people who are looking to optimize wellness, age gracefully, come […]

9 Reasons Why You Should Schedule Regular IV Therapy Appointments


IV Therapy involves delivering nutrients and vitamins directly to the body through an IV. This type of therapy is used to treat a variety of conditions. If you are looking for ways to improve your health, energy, and overall well being, then you should try IV therapy in San Diego. There are many people who […]