5 Advantages of Using Naturopathic Medicine for Digestive Health

Approximately 70 million Americans are affected by some digestive disorder, which includes everything from gas and bloating, constipation or diarrhea to chronic diseases such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. A core principle that guides naturopathic medicine is treating the gastrointestinal tract, more commonly referred to as the “gut”. The gastrointestinal tract in its entirety starts at the mouth, includes the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine/colon, and ends at the anal canal/rectum. This powerful system is an integral link to our overall health and wellness. The gut converts food into energy, delivers valuable nutrients into the bloodstream, manages waste, and protects against disease. Keeping this in mind, did you know that there are forms of naturopathic medicine for digestive health?    Naturopathic Medicine for Digestive Health: Digestive Health is Dependent on a Healthy Gut  Approximately 70 percent of the body’s immune system is regulated within the gut. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates once said, “all disease begins in the gut.” This is accurate as the gastrointestinal tract forms a defensive barrier between what is ingested and what reaches the bloodstream. One of the jobs of the gastrointestinal tract is to prevent harmful substances from being absorbed along with essential nutrients. When this barrier becomes compromised, and those harmful substances enter the bloodstream, inflammation can occur within the body. Inflammation negatively impacts the body in several ways and is associated with the development of many chronic diseases.   Common gastrointestinal issues that naturopathic doctors in San Diego treat to restore optimal digestive health include:
    • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
    •  Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
    •  Ulcerative Colitis (UC)
    •  Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
    • Crohn’s disease
    •  Heartburn
    •   Bloating
    •  Diarrhea
    • Constipation
    • Celiac disease


  Restore Digestive Health Through Naturopathic Medicine   Trained to identify the root cause of any condition, your naturopathic doctor will use a whole-body approach to treat your gut and restore your digestive health. This is one of the leading reasons you should schedule regular appointments with your naturopathic doctor. To identify the naturopathic medicine for digestive health that is best for you, your doctor will carefully evaluate your health history, lifestyle habits, and current health status. In addition, your doctor will likely perform functional testing to help determine the underlying causes of your gastrointestinal issues. These tests may include blood testing for food sensitivities and allergies, a stool test to identify bacterial or yeast overgrowth, and even an advanced breath test to help determine if your gut flora is imbalanced. Gut flora is a key component of digestive health. It comprises a complex ecosystem of microorganisms that live in the intestines and are made up of good bacteria and other microbes, such as fungi that further break down foods, produce vitamins and fatty acids, and contribute to several biochemical processes within the colon. A primary goal in restoring digestive health is to support a healthy microbiome. This journey back to good gut health using naturopathic medicine for digestive health has its advantages and is just one of the conditions that a naturopathic doctor can treat: Advantage 1: Your naturopathic doctor’s comprehensive approach will include you in a collaborative effort to get well. You will be fully informed about your treatment plan and the measures you will be expected to take to help restore your digestive health. These measures may include lifestyle changes such as limiting alcohol, quitting smoking or incorporating regular exercise. Advantage 2:   A tailored diet based on your individual needs will be created. Your naturopathic doctor may utilize one of the typical diets used to treat GI issues, which include:
    • Low FODMAP (reduces fermentable carbs)
    • Specific Carbohydrate diet (SCD), which eliminates most carbs
    • SIBO-specific diet – combines the FODMAP and SCD diets
    • Anti-inflammatory diet
    • Elimination/challenge diet – used to identify and eliminate food triggers
Advantage 3: Your naturopathic doctor will employ targeted, integrative care in your treatment plan to address your digestive issues naturally. They will stimulate the body’s innate healing abilities using the least invasive modalities while reducing the need for further interventions or medications. Advantage 4: Your doctor will eliminate any underlying infection and refer you to a specialist for advanced care if necessary. This may include working with a conventionally trained gastroenterologist, so you can rest easy knowing that your care will always be in the right hands. Advantage 5: Your quality of life will improve as your doctor works to reduce the discomfort and symptoms associated with your condition to minimize its impact on your life. This will be accomplished by incorporating targeted nutritional guidance, lifestyle, and botanical interventions that are natural and proven effective.  


  Naturopathic Medicine for Digestive Health: The Best Treatment for Whole-Body Health If you are suffering from gastrointestinal symptoms that you cannot manage and are causing discomfort, it is time to schedule an appointment with a skilled naturopathic doctor at Naturopathic RX. We understand that there is no “one size fits all” approach regarding digestive health. Get in touch with Naturopathic RX today to learn more about your options for naturopathic medicine for digestive health.   Testimonial from Jacqualynn, Satisfied Naturopathic Client in San Diego  Dr. Ginger is really knowledgeable and always happy to answer any questions I have. I would highly recommend Naturopathic RX for anyone looking to slow the aging process, improve their energy, or just for general health maintenance.