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Dr. April Day, ND
Associate Doctor

Dr. April Day completed her naturopathic medical degree at Bastyr University, San Diego, and completed her undergraduate degree at Belmont University in Nashville, where she studied psychology. Dr. Day spent several years working in social services and the nonprofit sector. Her journey into naturopathic medicine began with her own struggles with digestive complaints while dealing with severe adult acne. After trying many mainstream treatments and prescriptions, she realized something was missing. She spent several months using naturopathic medicine to address her digestive issues, which also healed her acne in the process. This experience inspired her to seek a new career helping others wanting to heal from the inside out.

Dr. Day has advanced training in treating small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and is completing additional training through the Institute for Functional Medicine. She has also completed training in functional lab analysis and assessing the thyroid and its function. In addition, Dr. Day loves to travel and has spent time in Germany to learn more about the benefits of hydrotherapy as a modality for healing the body.

Dr. Day’s passion is to help patients optimize health using individualized treatments to target underlying causes of imbalance. She has a particular interest in autoimmune conditions, gastrointestinal disorders, skin conditions, and healthy aging.

In her free time, Dr. Day enjoys working out and spending time outdoors. She admits that she can’t stop herself from petting all the dogs while taking walks!

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