6 Incredible Benefits of NAD+ IV Therapy

The Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) coenzyme does vital work in your body every day. It provides your body with energy, and is a building block in over 100 metabolic processes needed for optimal functioning. Like most things, with age, NAD+ levels in your body decrease; and, to be at maximum health, supplementation of this vital part of your energy powerhouse is recommended.

NAD is transformed throughout our bodies, resulting in NAD+ (that + makes a difference due to its chemical makeup).  The widespread prevalence of NAD+ is a strong indicator of its vital role in restoring body functions. Before and during your visit, we will discuss your health and goals in order to administer the proper NAD+ IV formula. Let’s highlight some of wonderful benefits of NAD+ IV therapy in San Diego:


NAD+ IV Therapy Benefit #1: Energy
Patients with chronic fatigue may benefit from regular NAD+ IV therapy to keep their many metabolic functions in check. 

Late nights at work, life’s daily stresses, or an illness may have left you feeling drained. NAD+ is essential in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) pathway and the glycolytic pathway. These two pathways are responsible for Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) production, which is fundamentally the energy in the body. Fancy medical talk for energy production! As a result of the effects on these pathways, energy levels increase through an NAD+ IV, providing more energy that allows you to improve how you function in your daily life. 


NAD+ IV Therapy Benefit #2: Pain Relief
Coenzymes, like NAD+, play a vital role in the body’s inflammatory response and antioxidant (fights against body breakdown) expression. 

When people experience chronic pain, it isn’t just the pain.  Oftentimes this pain leads to insomnia, mood changes, memory and focus issues, opioid dependence, a decline in the quality of life, and other physiological changes such as digestive problems. Adding more beneficial NAD+ to your body enhances healing and reduces pain faster. 

While NAD+ IV therapy supports the reduction of inflammation and as a result the reduction of pain, its supportive role in 100s of other body reactions, is thought to lead to the improvement of many of the pain associated changes previously mentioned. 

Studies are still ongoing on NAD+ and pain management, but we already know that NAD+ IVs play a big part in reducing inflammation in the body.


NAD+ IV Therapy Benefit : #3 Sharper memory
Ever feel like you are not as sharp as you used to be?  Cannot recall words and events with the ease that you used to? Have a sense of brain fog? You are not alone and, frankly, it can be downright frustrating.  Some people view this as a product of normal aging and others experience it as a result of an illness or trauma.  

Emerging evidence shows that NAD+ IV therapy can boost cognitive function as it is vital in developing, sustaining, protecting, and re-establishing brain health.  NAD+ IV therapy is one of the quickest, most efficient ways of supplying NAD+ to the brain to help clear brain fog, improve memory, and enhance focus. 

NAD+ continues to be researched and shows promising potential for treating neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease.


NAD+ IV Therapy Benefit : #4 Optimize Athletic Performance
Since NAD+ plays a key role in energy production, many athletes sing its praises. NAD+ IV therapy provides energy in a fashion that allows athletes to increase their strength, endurance, recovery, and stamina leading to an overall improvement in athletic performance. In addition to the energetic and metabolic factors, NAD+ supports muscle development, and repair.  


NAD+ IV Therapy Benefit : #5 Insomnia
As digital devices and stress take over, more people find it hard to get a good night’s sleep. Constant fatigue and hormonal imbalances, without a reasonable explanation, may have different causes that ultimately lead to the disruption of your body’s circadian rhythm. If this is the case, you may benefit from NAD+. 

NAD+ IV therapy, sunlight, and exercise can help your internal regulatory process know when to sleep leading to increased productivity, energy, and optimal brain function to include improved mood and greater focus.


NAD+ IV Therapy Benefit : #6 Reverse Signs of Aging
NAD+ has become very popular as an anti-aging treatment. Being involved in genetic expression, NAD+ assists with developing physical features that regulate how we look (e.g. wrinkles, fine lines, skin discoloration, etc.). As a result, your internal environment health is reflected in your external appearance. Since cellular renewal contributes to our physical appearance, NAD+ IVs allow for improvement in the DNA-damage response which assists in an overall anti-aging strategy to aid in the reversal of the signs of aging. 

 Many supplements can also have efficient outcomes for the above conditions. However, NAD+ is best administered via IV to ensure 100% absorption by bypassing the digestive system, resulting in faster results and the most efficient means of delivery.

Besides NAD+, our naturopathic doctors in San Diego offer many other nutrient injections in San Diego created based on your individual needs. Schedule your appointment today to learn more about the benefits of NAD+ IV therapy. 


Testimonial from Dan, Satisfied NAD IV+ Therapy Patient in San Diego
Dr Ginger listened to my concerns and ailments, gave me a path to a speedy, pain free recovery, and followed up and tracked my progress. Dr Ginger and the clinic really take a hands on approach to your health.